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Olive oil and lemon for perfect liver (Health )

Olive oil and lemon for perfect liver (Health )

Due to the importance of the liver to your body, there is something you can do every day to maintain its good condition. In fact, all that is required to do is to drink a teaspoon of olive oil stirred with a little lemon juice on an empty stomach. Olive oil is a great help in the opening of the liver and the gallbladder. Lemon is good for this purpose too, and at the same time it is an excellent source of vitamin C and purifies the blood vessels of the deposits of cholesterol.

The liver is actually the largest mammal gland which has most features.

Some of these are:

Metabolic property:

Regulation of blood sugar levels, the conversion of ammonia to urea, conversion of pro vitamin A in vitamin A and many others.

Defense property:

Formation of defense proteins, the synthesis of coagulative factors, phagocytosis of old cells and many others.

Detoxification property:

Neutralization or elimination of liquid or toxic substances. Also, most of the nicotine is detoxified exactly in the liver.

Disposal of glycogen

The liver creates the bile for the digestion of fats, helps in the maintaining of sugar levels in the blood, creates blood proteins, helps in blood clotting, controls the creation and proliferation of blood cells, stores vitamins, removes toxins, stores energy, creates heat and destroys microorganisms in the digestive system.

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